Tuesday, April 8, 2008

NC 4-H Congress Registration Open

Even though spring just started, it is already time to plan for summer, including NC 4-H Congress. This year, 4-H Congress will be held July 21-25, 2008 on the campus of NC State University.

Click for the Congress 2008 Packet

The major purposes of N.C. 4-H Congress are:
• To perpetuate the reputation of 4-H as a major statewide educational program.
• To improve delegates’ knowledge of current issues through educational experiences.
• To provide an opportunity to develop and exercise leadership skills.
• To provide an opportunity for delegates to participate in the democratic process.
• To provide recreational and social experiences for delegates.
• To select winners in presentations and certain activities through state contests.
• To provide recognition for project, activity, and scholarship winners.

Age: Delegates to the North Carolina 4-H Congress must be at least 13 years of age.

Housing: County delegations will be housed in NC State University dormitories with adult chaperones in every level. The dormitories are air-conditioned, and organized by suites of 4-6 rooms of two occupants each. Males and females are housed in separate suites, although on the same floor.

Transportation: Transportation will be provided to and from the 4-H Office (1418 Armory Drive), and to all activities during NC 4-H Congress.

Meals: Delegates will eat in the University Dining Hall or other planned meal locations. Seven meals are included in this year's registration fee: Monday dinner; Tuesday breakfast and dinner; Wednesday breakfast and lunch; and Thursday breakfast and dinner. Delegates should plan to bring spending money for all other meals to include: lunch en route Monday, fast food lunch on Tuesday and Thursday, dinner out Wednesday night, breakfast Friday morning.

Statewide Community Service: This year we are partnering with Stop Hunger Now (http://www.stophungernow.org/) for our statewide community service effort. Youth attending 4-H Congress are asked to raise money for this program. Based on the amount of money received, meals will be purchased and assembled at a Hands To Service activity on Wednesday. $1.20 provides 1 bag of food, which provides 6 meals. For a gift of $30, 25 meals can be provided. Attached is a form which each donor who makes a donation will need to fill out. Also attached is a "fundraising form" which can be used by 4-H'ers to help keep track of their donations.

To attend as a Mecklenburg County 4-H delegate, the enclosed forms must be received in my office on or before June 25, 2008. The cost for enrolled Mecklenburg 4-H’ers is $150.

Once your have registered, you will receive further information regarding a required 4-H Congress Orientation.

If you have any questions, please call me at 704-336-4015. I look forward to chaperoning an exiting and energetic Mecklenburg delegation again this summer.

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